2015 July 29th Meeting @ home Self Direction Program OPWDD
What is Self-Direction?
Self-direction gives you flexibility to choose the mix of supports and services that are right for you so you can live the life you want. With self-direction, YOU choose your services, the staff and organizations that provide them, and a schedule that works best for YOU.
Each person is unique. Self-direction empowers people to design supports based on their unique strengths and needs. It gives you more control over the funding used to buy your services.
Who can Self-Direct their services?
Anyone who is eligible for OPWDD services and enrolled in the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waiver can choose to self-direct their services.
Self-direction may be right for you if you can make your own decisions (or have help to) and if you want more flexible supports and services.
How does Self-Direction work?
You can choose if you want an agency to help you self-direct (agency-supported self-direction) or if you’d like to manage your own budget and staff with help from a Fiscal Intermediary and Support Broker.
Self-Direction gives you the chance to make decisions about supports and services that help you to:
- Enjoy meaningful relationships with family and friends,
- Experience health and growth.
- Live in the home and community you choose, and
- Work, volunteer or do activities you enjoy.
Enhancing community integration and social capital is at the core of self-direction.
To learn more about Self-Direction, talk with your Medicaid Service Coordinator or Regional Self-Direction Liaison.
If you still have questions, you can call:
OPWDD’s information line – 1-866-946-9733
(For individuals who have hearing impairment, please use the NY Relay System 7-1-1.)