My big girl turns 13! Read more about her amazing surprise, and her Make A Wish reveal Party!!
Christina Paul
Hello Readers - It's been a little while, and in that time our big girl has hit a milestone! She's officially a teenager! Let me tell you, she knows all about what that means too! Attitudes are flying everywhere, like someone secretly told her that when she turns 13, attitudes comes with the description of teenager lol... Oh Well I'm definitely enjoying these "typical" moments, so I just sit back and chuckle. Well Friday May 29th was her official birthday, and we have a tradition that at midnight, I wake her up and yell HAPPY BIRTHDAY and allow her to open up one gift!
Well this birthday was super special, so she opened up 2!!
Then she went to school, and of course they rocked it out there, and she was treated like the royal princess she already is.. Then something so very magical and super special happened after school! Well first let me rewind.. I received a phone call from a number I didn't recognize at all, and usually I never answer any calls I don't know, but it was in the middle of complete chaos and of course my brain didn't register that fast at all so I just answered the phone as usual.. The conversation took place, and 10 minutes later I kid you not, I had no clue what just happened, or who I even talked to.. Yeah tell me about it.. So, of course the embarrassment I'm already feeling wondering if I just agreed to something, or crap should I have. I think I just gave my address to someone, oh no!! So I called the number back, and I'm totally still in outer space somewhere, which happens to me quite often I might add since "suddenly - just like that everything was different". Anyways I'm off topic again, I called that number back, and after I'm like who is this, and this is so, and so and I figured everything out, and realized yes I did talk to someone I knew, and yes there coming to my house, I was still in disbelief, and what seemed like eternity waiting for her to arrive had my heart racing, and my stomach filled with butterflies, and I wanted Hannah to feel that same excitement I was feeling but I couldn't even look at her or I knew I would explode! So I chilled patiently outside haha. That moment arrived, total and complete shock, about to puke from excitement, do I cry, do I scream, NO SILLY GO GET HANNAH! DUH lol.. OH my gosh, I've been dodging her, and here is the moment, and I froze! HANNAH, OMG HANNAH someone is here to see you hurry!!! Hannah comes out, yells Emily (Emily Vercelloni) quick story about how we know the amazing Emily-Jowonio Preschool. Need I say more~ The best preschool on the planet. They need to be a K-12 school I swear, but there only a preschool! Not just anyone goes there, Hannah was accepted on a scholarship! The BEST! Emily, I don't think she realizes just how much she has impacted my life! She has been there for me at some crazy times! She has given me some very encouraging words, strength, faith! The courage to keep going! I've landed in her office at some dark moments I tell ya, and she has never judged me! I thank her for that! There's only a few people who have left a huge impact on my life, and Emily is one of them! Okay enough with the sap. LOL I'm just an emotional person, and well I have to get the important stuff out (all of it) SO I know you're all waiting for the big surprise, as I'm dragging the story out, I would be fired if I ever tried to write a book. She showed up here with an XBOX ONE with MINECRAFT..SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! It's all Hannah wanted for her Birthday! She even tried to give me her piggy bank and told me to go buy it for her! Now, she said not to give all the credit to her! I'm going to most definitely give credit where credit it due!! So shout out to the guys at MICROSOFT, Michael Tyler and Nick Dunler! *Jennifer Kelley~ Now a special Thank You to someone else who has also impacted my life in oh so many ways! I have known this person for gosh I'd have to say it's been at least... holy crap time flies when I think back, I want to say it's been 15 years at least!!! Jiminy Cricket! I met this person back when my life was up and down that thing called an emotional roller coaster, before I even knew what stability was, before the time of kids even, she too has been there at my darkest times, and giving me encouraging words, she has seen the worst of me, and the best of me. She knows me even more so than Emily even! This woman is incredible, she has amazing strength, and I admire her! Emily says she "worked behind the scenes" and she made this all possible! I won't even tell you how I even began to think how this person "viewed" me as a person, or as a mom, but apparently my thinking was super corrupted and way off because we, and especially Hannah definitely has a special place in her heart! I am the first to be brutally honest, and the first to admit when I am wrong, and I was completely off base! Maybe I was just sensing that because I wish we had more of a connection, that we seemed to have lost along the way, because I see that we have so much in common as parents. I feel we could be super supports for each other, and I super miss her! Okay, I'm being sappy again, and off base, but that's who I am, get use to it haha! So I have to say Jennifer Kelley (who is also now at Jowonio), Where do I even begin! Jennifer, Saying Thank You, doesn't even seem quite right! Thank You, from the top, middle, and bottom of my heart! You mean so very much to me, words cannot express the gratitude I have, the amount of joy you have brought to our daughter! The smiles you brought to her face, you brought her out of her "bubble" meaning her room! She spends so much time in her room, and it's literally her world, and were never really welcomed into her "world", and she never spends much time out in our world (the living room) Now with this, she wants to be in the common area all of the time, and I couldn't be happier! I said to her so this is what life is like when were all sitting on the couch together for more than 10 minutes! It was pure bliss. ~Priceless~ You have to spend just a few moments with Hannah, and she will leave with you footprints that will last forever! Her smile lights up the darkest room, no matter what life struggle she endures, she wants no pity from noone! She doesn't pity herself. She says "GIRL POWER" I GOT THIS! ~SMILE WITH YOUR TEETH~ Even on the stretcher on the way to the OR she still has that huge smile, and she's still yelling down the hall SMILE MOMMY ... So seriously, Jennifer Kelley, HUGE PROPS to you, I don't know how you did it, I didn't even know you knew anything about any of what was going on, but let me tell you, surprises are phinemonial -Magical even! Here are the pics from that super AWESOME DAY! They rocked her birthday at school, and then she chose her birthday dinner place of choice of course was Mcdonald's And now I will continue onto the rest of her very exciting weekend! Mind you this was all just on Friday! Can you believe she had so much excitement in one day, and she handled it like a champ, and embraced each and every moment of it! Now Saturday was a bit overwhelming for her. Her favorite person ever came to spend the night, Saraya who has been her sidekick since she was 7! Hannah calls her, her sister! They are BFF here are the pics from Sunday's event
Hannah's Make A Wish Reveal Party Hannah is GOING TO DISNEY WORLD! AND A VIP with CAT IN THE HAT!